The World Is Our Campus
Harvey Mudd College, a leader in science, mathematics and engineering education, has an ongoing mission to provide its students with a rich background in the humanities and social sciences. Studying abroad allows our students to continue their education while absorbing the rich culture of another country.
While attending a semester-long program, students have the opportunity to explore cultural, social and financial differences in ways a classroom experience would rarely touch.
We believe these international experiences will enrich our students’ lives in ways that add value, direction and purpose. Harvey Mudd students are encouraged to see the world as their campus and gain a borderless education. Studying abroad makes this possible!
Make an appointment by emailing studyabroad@sophieboon.com.
阅读更多“STEM majors can and should study abroad! Some advantages of studying abroad include learning intercultural communication, becoming more adaptable, understanding the impact of your work globally, and developing a network.”
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Ask Mudd students about their study abroad experiences.